*Contains some Adventure Time spoilers*

In this age where comics become translated into movies, T.V. series, and video games, there
is also a decent number of movies, T.V. series, and video games that are slipping into the
comics medium. Which prompts many fans to ask, will the comics be just as good as the
original work? One of the most famous of these cartoon-to-comic productions is BOOM!
Studios comic of Pendelton Ward’s Adventure Time. I remember them as the cool but
expensive books at the annual book fair.

In Marceline and The Scream Queens by Meredith Grain, readers get a chance to meet
Marceline the Vampire Queen’s band who share the same name as the title. As Princess
Bubblegum organizes a festival for the Candy Kingdom, tensions arise between Bubblegum
and Marceline. But, after Marceline and the Scream Queens play, the two talk it out and
eventually go on tour together throughout the land of Ooo. This is just one of seven
adventures featured in the book.
I feel that overall this comic did a great job of translating Ward’s cartoon onto paper.
Although the drawings differ slightly from the cartoon, which is due to various
interpretations of the illustrators, but I feel that that is one of the things which make the
comic experience more intimate. Seeing each artist put some of their flare onto the
characters and setting is exciting. Also, since readers most likely already know what the
characters sound like, the reading experience becomes more like a portable tech-free
Adventure Time marathon.
With the series being finished on Cartoon Network, many fans have sought out other
awesome Finn and Jake adventures in this comic series which has multiple volumes and
dozens of new adventures that have never been explored on the show. However, fans will
soon be able to watch their favorite characters again in a new show Adventure Time:
Distant Lands in 2020 on HBO. In the meantime, you can read Adventure Time comics
wherever comics are sold, or at your local library.